Gothenburg, Sweden
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I used to teach asana with a dash of mindfulness, and call it yoga. I only knew what I knew but now I know more and act accordingly. And I actually teach yoga. I would go as far as to say that yoga influences every part of my life, and I do not see that changing. ever.
Being a qualified nurse, I have worked my way through hospitals and medical clinics, but it came to a close once I really stepped into the realm of yoga because I simply couldn’t bring myself to do it anymore. Luckily my therapeutic skills go hand in hand with yoga. Offering reflexology, massage, fitness classes and leaning towards more intuitive guidance. What they all have in common is energy, and that is what I love to work with. The sometimes so subtle and sometimes very profound ways to move, shape and transform energy, that is where the magic happens.
I want to contribute to a new earth where slowing down is considered beautiful and passions can be shared without stepping on others, where a whisper can be heard loud and clear and screams are just echoes from the past. I want to show the world that the only way we can really rise is together, but the only path that takes us there is the inner one, the one through the soul.

Munich, Germany
Currently teaching at The Studio, Jaya Yoga & RAISE Body & Mind
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I am curious by nature, so when I first heard about yoga in my early twenties, I wanted to learn more about this seemingly mystical practice. My path to yoga was characterized by fascination on the one hand and, on the other hand, a long journey of exploration to find the “right yoga” for me. After trying a variety of yoga classes on and off for years, still, nothing felt right. Instead, I found meditative focus in boxing for six years. And then 2014 in Bali, I had this one, all-changing encounter with yoga: when I left class, I was light-footed, fulfilled, full of bliss. For the first time, I felt the profound impact and potential of yoga. Since then, yoga (and Bali) has not let go of me. Meanwhile, 750 hours of Teacher Training are behind me, and I practice and teach tantric hatha yoga with enthusiasm. The teacher trainings at The Practice have changed the way I see, practice and teach yoga, profoundly.
My hatha classes encourage people to understand and live yoga not just as an exercise on the mat, but also as a practice off the mat. My diverse professional activities enrich each other and inspire me to discover and learn new things as well as share them. I combine yoga and coaching to help people grow in a way that allows them to flourish and lead a happier life.
To me, a good day starts with hatha yoga and kriya meditation, followed by tea, porridge, and avocado toast. I speak German, English, French, and Romanian fluently.

Melbourne, Australia
Currently teaching at UpDown Yoga
My yoga journey began 7 years ago in Melbourne, Australia. Whilst training and competing at a local gym I began practicing asana in a class taken by another instructor; I felt the benefits instantly. As I started to practice more regularly, it became clear that the benefits were not only physical – my overall health improved, my outlook on life shifted and I felt calmer, more peaceful and still: both grounded and balanced. I felt the calling to deepen my practice and my knowledge – this is where my teaching adventure began to take shape.
I love that yoga is all encompassing: it has the ability to meet people on all levels, wherever they are in each moment. I love the infinite depth of the practice and philosophy, the endless learning and the gems that are uncovered as the layers are peeled back. Mostly, I love that yoga knows no race, no upbringing, no demographic. It accepts us as we are – a reminder that we are all truly one, living this life together.
Finding yoga for me has been life changing. It has taken me to incredible places, allowed me to experience unforgettable moments and connect with the most amazing people. My practice has become a powerful guide in my daily life. It gives me the tools to re-ground and anchor myself, it connects me to my heart and with commitment, discipline and patience: it connects me to my purpose, my dharma.

Rode Island, Indonesia
Currently teaching at Boa Vida
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“One day you will look back and see that all along you were blooming.”
Healing has always been the topic of my life. I was studying physical therapy and osteopathy as well as manual and sports therapy. And it was natural to me to work afterwards with athletes all over the world since I was an athlete myself. My Healing philosophy has always been though that its not primarely about the manual techniques, so curious as I am I went deeper and deeper down that rabbit hole.
Originally I attended my first yoga teacher training at the Practice Bali to have a tool to become my best version as a therapist so I can serve other people better, but realised fast the value of Traditional Hatha Yoga to heal myself. To get the chance to undo my conditioning and to remember my true self. That we are whole to begin with. This feels like is the biggest gift I have ever received.
What a blessing to realise I am enough as therapist, daughter, friend, woman…I am simply enough. We all got the right constitution, skills and talents to fulfill our life purpose and we don’t have to try to be like anyone else. This gift together with the gift of being able to watch the ups and downs and rights and lefts in life in the role of pure consciousness that always remains stable and never changes while everything around is in constant change brought a lot of peace into my life. The healing potential of Traditional Hatha Yoga is endless.
To the Dedicated this path is truly Life changing. I feel blessed that I am able to share this knowledge.

Sumba Island, Indonesia
Currently teaching at Nihi Sumba
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As far as I can remember, I was always into spirituality and wanted to understand the universe and the world we live in.
My journey began when I was a teenager, I was magically drawn to the word yoga. I was trying basic asanas and breathing techniques in the backyard of my family’s holiday house, and my first teacher was the only yoga book I could find at that time. Later during my studies and in between dancing classes, I found so much relief and inspiration after every class. My body felt great, but something was missing.
The real transformation began when I started practicing meditation. I was becoming much less stressed at work, more grounded, understanding and compassionate. I started to listen to the silent voice within me that told me it is time to quit my job and start to fully live my passion, that is studying and teaching yoga. When I found The Practice and Traditional Hatha Yoga, it was like finally finding something I was always looking for. I feel honored and humbled to have the possibility to share these teachings and to evolve under the guidance of my teachers.
One of the greatest things about this incredible tradition is, that wellbeing, happiness and worldly success are possible together with spiritual awakening and with giving our service to the world. After all, we don’t practice yoga to be good at yoga. We practice yoga to be good at life. I currently live and teach at Nihi Sumba Island, one of the best hotels and resorts in the world. Ilove to share my knowledge and experience with many amazing people who come to visit this magical place.

Byron Bay, Australia
Currently teaching at: Jai Yoga
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Tēna koe, ko Amy Bassett ahau no Aotearoa. My name is Amy, from New Zealand.
My life has been punctuated with energetic events that I couldn’t put into words or context until I found Traditional Hatha. And even though it describes things we can’t touch or see, the power of this practice lies in its practicality. Traditional Hatha gives you the tools and maps to navigate the subtlest layers of reality and to utilize this so-called ‘cosmic energy’ in a methodical, real-world way.
When I teach and practice, this is the energy I seek to connect with. As without, so within. Perceiving yourself as an expression of divine consciousness. To me, this is Yoga, something that we are all entitled to by our own sublime nature.

Italy, France & Bali
Soon teaching at Stora Borno Yoga
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I am “ Made in Italy”, but am literally daughter of the world, I am a yoga teacher, writer and ex-marketing and communications manager. I have a Degree in Economics and university studies in Psychology, but almost 3 years ago I decided to change path, off to Bali and off to the my dharma’s journey.
I’ve practiced yoga since 2000, but I don’t feel shame to declare that I only really started to understand, study and commit to yoga through the first teacher training at The Practice Bali.
I am a Yoga Alliance Registered teacher at the 500h level. I have trained in:
- Traditional Hatha Yoga
- Hatha Restorative and Yoga Nidra
- Pregnancy, Post Pregnancy and Kids Yoga
- Yin Yoga
I am a:
- Yoga Teacher (soon online on LO-YOGA APP my locations and calendar)
- Writer for yoga websites (,
- I teach workshops in: Breath & Energy Management, Hatha Yoga ABC , Yoga, Ayurveda and Modern Nutrition (Italy, France, Bali)
- Retreats (soon in Bali and France)
- Soon teaching an online teacher training (
REIKI Practitioner and Healer

Currently teaching at: Jai Yoga
My first yoga experience was 40 years ago, traveling in India at the age of 19, I unwittingly found myself in an ashram. It was not a conscious inquiry but did lay the seed. I was fascinated by the lure of something that was ageless, deep and self-sustaining. I filtered the study of Hinduism throughout my accounting degree, as by my early 20’s I had a child to support as well. As I moved further into the householder years of raising three sons, a weekly jaunt to a meditation center sustained me through the next period of single motherhood, self-employment, business start-up successes and failures.
As my family responsibilities lessened, coupled with the rise of the modern global yoga explosion in the late 1990’s, my journey moved into the asana-based classes and styles on offer. Ashtanga taught me the benefits of a daily practice but did not answer my questions. This steered me to my first yoga teacher training, centred on Vinyasa. From there I wanted to discover more, I knew I had just scratched the surface. To teach this ancient science, I needed to understand the how and why of it’s profound effects on my mind and body. Numerous trainings, retreats and workshops around the globe over the next few years led me to the teachings at The Practice Bali, where I was exposed to the tools to remove the veils, that were limiting my own awakening and possibilities. Today, I am Grandma to four, have taught yoga extensively for six years and founded Jindabyne Yoga Shala in the Snowy Mountains of NSW, Australia. In 2019 with fellow Senior certified Practice teacher Amy Bassett, we birthed Jai Yoga 200Hr teacher trainings in Jindabyne.
My life revolves around my daily practice, teaching yoga and the health and wealth of the lifestyle that gifts me. Yoga has taught me to face life’s challenges with grace and to truly embody the wisdom and energies it enlivens. Now in my 60th year, I feel blessed to have the system and philosophy of Traditional Hatha to guide my evolution through the next chapter and whatever it may surprise me with.